Those who grew up with me know that I live for the culture. I am a cultural gal. I read books on black culture, I am always promoting anything about culture, Black Culture, African Culture, Caribbean culture or what have you. Finally, in 2014 my dream finally became a reality. A dream thousands imagine. I studied abroad in Ghana, for six months. I’ve always been into African culture, before everyone jumped on the bandwagon and before social media. However, social media has been a great tool to educate the diaspora about the glitz and glamor of Africa. In our home it is important that our children are engaging in educational materials that promote black culture and diversity.

Social media is literally the bridge that connects the motherland and diaspora. It warms my heart that people’s mindset has shifted about Africa. If you read my about me page you will know that I am Jamaican and my husband is Ghanaian. No, we did not meet in Ghana. Therefore, in our home we make it our duty to make sure our children are being exposed to both cultures. I was so happy, that last year August I was able to take the kids to Jamaica. Surprisingly, they still remember the trip to this day. I even taught them some patois before we left. LOL.
YouTube Channels that Promote Black Culture
YouTube has been a great educational tool for us. The channels that promote black culture and diversity, have characters that not only look like them, but teach African culture, they have accents, the characters dress in traditional clothing and more. Of course, we exposed them to all cultures, but let’s be honest there’s nothing like learning about your own. Watching these shows also help them connect to their real life; they will have friends who speak with an accent like their dad, they may have a classmate who wears an hijab like Aishat in Omo Berry.
Here are the YouTube Channels we watch that promote black culture and diversity. We absolutely love these channels.
Akan Tree TV
Akili and Me
Omo Berry
Reggae Randy
Bino & Fino
Akan Kids Songs
I hope you and your family will enjoy these channels. Please feel free to add more YouTube channels in the comments section. Which one is your child’s favorite? How do you promote your culture in your home ?