Its March 2020, I just had sister and the whole country is in lockdown. Brother was also adjusting to a new baby and is going through a huge milestone; he was 3 months away from turning 2 years old, so developmentally he was going through alotttttttttttt. My son was stressed. With all what was going on came his first eczema flare up, it was huge ! His skin was extremly dry, flaky, gray and oozing of pus. Eczema was something I never dealt with, so I was in a frenzy. After educating myself, doctor visits and trying many products I was able to treat my children’s eczema.
What Helps Eczema on Black Skin?
I am a natural gyal so of course my first resort was shea better. did not call their pediatrician first. I wanted to see what I can do on my own. Plus, it was the pandemic, so the world made it seem like going to the doctors was off limits. Shea butter didn’t work, so then bought staple brands that market to thoes with eczema (aveeno and cerave), but thoes brands did not work. Finally, I brought the Mustela eczema and dry skin line. It gave my son instant relief. I immediately fell in love with the line. Johnson & Johnson aint got nothing on Mustela.
Months went buy and we were still trying products and trying to come up with a regime. During a follow up visit the doctor, explained to us we need to use lotions that are rich and have cerimides in it. She sent us home with some La Roche Posay Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Body Moisturizing Cream samples. I believe the fact that their pediatrician has brown skin she understands what our skin needs. According to research, black children (20 percent) are way more affected by eczema than white children. Yet, black children are less diagnosed with eczema. Yes, there are health disparates in eczema…sad right. Black and brown skin is different. Our skin requires double moisturizing, rich and top tier products. Staple eczema products may not work for us like it does others. From that visit, it clicked on what kind of products my children’s skin needs.
Should I Cleanse If I Have Eczema ?
Yes indeed, cleansing the skin of dirt and germs in vital in hygiene. Before applying any lotion or ointments you want to make sure your skin is clean. It helps keeps the skin clean and prevent infection. You want to use a moisturizing and gentle soap to start your routine.
Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap Rose. The ingredients are organic, oil based, very moisturizing and a little goes a long way. The Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap Rose is a staple in my home. The ingredients are organic, oil based, very moisturizing and a little goes a long way
Mustela Cream Bar is a favorite of mine. The soap bar is the most creamiest soap bar I have ever used and yes I use it on myself too!
Mustela Cleaning Oil is a great secondary cleanser to follow up with or is great by itself. Also, it is great for cradle cap and soap for newborns. Sometimes I add a few drops in the kids bubble bath. Its a great makeup remover…shhhh
Which Moisturizer Is Best For Eczema ?
Moisturizing the skin is very important because it is a chance to heal the skin, prevent dryness and repair the skin barrier. Below are the moisturizer I use and/or tried and are effective in treating my babies eczema.
Eucerin Intensive Repair Rich level is HOLY GRAIL. I swear this lotion was made for thoes with eczema and dry skin. It is a premium moisturizer, so its a bit pricier, but worth it. This lotion has done wonders on my children’s skin.
La Roche-Posay Lipikar Triple Repair Moisturizing Body Cream
Mustela Eczema Cream and Dry Skin Lotion
Both lotions are great. If you prefer a lighter lotion then these two are great options. Because the mustela lotion is a bit lighter I will use this lotion during the summer nights.
Lastly, good ole Vaseline. It is affordable, seals moisture in and softens the skin. Promotes healing and skin protectant. You can also mix it with any other lotion.
Spot Treatments for Eczema
Hydrocortisone. Is the ultimate spot treatment with thoes with eczema. It relievies itchying and swelling. You can also mix it with your lotion if need be for a larger area on the body.
Ghana Cho Cho Cream. Like I said I am a natural gyal so when I discovered this cream in 2014 in Ghana I was excited to try. I was having a rash on my neck and need some relief. This cream gave me instant relief. I love its natural ingredients.
Vaseline. Vaseline is a great spot treatment for flare ups for sensitive areas. For instance, my son was having a flare up in his groin area, so the doctor told me just to use vaseline. Sometimes I mix vaseline and hydrocortisone cream together depending on how the flare looks.
Triamcinolone Acetonide. The pediatrician prescribed this ointment immediately. This ointment is very effective. I use this ointment only for spot treatments. Per doctor orders, it is not supposed to be used on the face or in large amounts. A prescription is required to get this ointment.

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Best Products to Treat Eczema in African American Babies
From all that I learned and trial of products we have used. I will say to another parent when choosing the best products for your children eczema the keyword ingredients you want to look for are the following:
KEYWORDS FOR ECZEMA by Asia “Queen” ColeyIn the beginning the diagnosis of eczema will put you in a frenzy. I was so stressed out. You may experience low quality care when addressing your child’s skin concerns… Educate yourself, advocate for your children, buy quality products and develop a consistent routine and I can promise you, your black baby’s skin skin will be restored and shine.