After month of itchy eyes, scratchy throat, an endless runny nose and out of the blue hive breakout we finally received a diagnosis. ALLERGIES ! I was relieved we got the diagnosis, because now we know how to treat it and possibly prevent it. When the pediatrician gave us the diagnosis, she also referred us to an allergy specialist. Always asking and/or accepting a referral is a great way to advocate for your child(ren). Seeing a specialist is beneficial for your child’s diagnosis because they are able to give you the latest treatment and expertise focused attention.
During the allergy specialist visit, she performed an allergy test on his back and within seconds we knew exactly what he was allergic to; dust mites, ragweed, pollen just to name a few. The specialist gave me some additional tips on how to allergy proof my home. As mothers, we may think we know it all, but it’s important to be open minded to advise from others. In this blog post I am sharing with you the products and things I do to allergy proof my home.
Dust mites are extremely microscopic insects that live in house dust. They live in all homes, yes even new construction homes. They don’t actually bite you and you cannot see them, but they can trigger allergies, asthma and eczema (the three diagnoses that go hand in hand). They enjoy living in our carpets, mattress, curtains, pillows, radiators and more.
1. Carpet
I got rid of a huge carpet in my bedroom and living room. They were huge high pile wool carpets that using carpet cleaning could save it. I even noticed the smell of mold. I ended up replacing the living room carpet with a low pile, small 5 x 7 carpet. Im so happy I got rid of them, it was time. So I suggest small, medium sized low pile carpets in your home.
2. Steamer

In addition to mopping and keeping your home clean, buying a steamer is a great way to allergy proof your home. The hot steam cleans, disinfects and deodorizes surfaces where dust and allergens hangout. No more using harsh chemicals, that could trigger your child’s allergies and/or asthma. Steam also kills dust mites and helps with congestion. You want to also use the steamer on your mattress, because dust mites love mattresses. While you’re at it, steam your drapers and furniture too. Steam any and everywhere you can ! I have the shark steam cleaner.
I love my steamer, it just makes the atmosphere feel light and refreshing. Steaming your child’s bedding with a fabric steamer is a bonus as well !
Hiring a steaming professional services like Stanley Steamer is a great option as well.
3. Allergen Bed Encasements & Protectors

Dust mites, dirt and other allergens, can all cause a flare up. So having a mattress encasement and pillow encasements are worth buying. A mattress encasement will also prolong the life of your mattress from many unwanted stains lol: breastmilk (my breast would leak while I was asleep) , kid’s accidents, leaky sippy cups and other bodily fluids 😉
4. Air Purifier

Air purifiers are a good thing to have. It helps remove dust, allergens and mold in the air. It does what it says it does; purifies the air !

Just as vacuum your carpet you should vacuum your mattress too; Its upholstery right !! Dust mites, dirt and bacteria like to live in the mattress as well. Sprinkle a little baking soda, wait, vacuum and put on the mattress encasement. According to the Better Sleep Council, you should replace your mattress about every seven years. Every couple months I deep clean my mattress using a carpet cleaner. If you are going to use a carpet cleaner on your mattress, please make sure to keep windows open and/or a fan to ensure the mattress is completely dry.
How to Clean Your Mattress
There are many ways you can clean your mattress. Here is what I do:
When I need to do a deep clean and/ or spot clean I use my bissell carpet cleaner. When it dries completely. I heavily sprinkle baking soda then vacuum it up
Remember, covering your mattress with a mattress encasement is the final and best way to protect your mattress and cope with allergies. It will also prevent bed bugs.
7. Plants

Plants are not only great for the environment, but great for your health as well. I recently got my first house plant… a snake plant ! Snake plants are known to remove toxic pollutants from the air, filters the air, expels oxygen which are benefits for those of us with allergies.
Other Methods:
- Wash dishes in hot soapy water
- Wash clothes in lukewarm-hot water
- Dust and mop regularly
- Wash and/or vacuum curtains regularly.
- Vacuuming regularly is vital. Dust mites love to live in radiators, because they are nice, warm and cozy. Therefore, you want to vacuum your radiators regularly. Make sure the vacuum has a strong suction, with a HEPA filter and if possible allergen technology. This is the shark vacuum I have.
Visit my Amazon Storefront to purchase the essentials to allergy proof your home.
I’ve come a long way of learning what works and doesn’t and how to reconfigure my home to help my child cope with his allergies, well all of us. Being observant of your child’s triggers can also help you reconfigure your home. For example, if your child is triggered while laying on the living room floor then you may want to do a deep clean on the carpet, replace it or get rid of it. In conjunction with steaming your home, vacuuming regularly, getting a mattress encasement and all the above. Please also adhere to your pediatrician’s medical advice. The recommendations above will not cure your child’s allergies. I am able to help my child cope with his allergies using these products and methods listed above, holistic efforts (because I’m a natural mom ) and most of FOLLOWING DOCTOR’S ORDERS.