Finally, virtual schooling is coming to an end and families are eager to get out and have a fun summer. Indeed, it will be a hot and fun summer as well. But have no fear parents, save your coins, its going to be a free summer in Connecticut too.

Connecticut is a state known for its beautiful homes, green pastures, school system, easy drive to New York and Boston and great management of the pandemic. This is our second summer in the pandemic, school is almost out and families are eager to get out and make memories.
Our thoughtful governor Ned Lamont is investing the $15 million dollar stimulus back into the state, by giving free access to CT’s residents under 18 years old to visit our museums. Luckily, I have been a CT resident all my life and I have always enjoyed our museums, attractions and parks. The program is from July 1 to September 6. I am so excited for my kids, because let’s be honest entry fees can be a bit pricey. Kids don’t stay 2 and under for free for ever. Lol. Below are the participating museums.

Fun things to do in the summer
In the photo above, I am breastfeeding my son before the sealion show at the Mystic Aquarium. Yes there is a sealion show that will blow you and kids away. They’ll even wave at you. The Mystic Aquarium also has baby beluga whales, penguins, exotic fish, sting rays your little ones can touch and more.

Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Seaport Museum
Beardsley Zoo
Connecticut Science Center
Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk