My name is Asia Lorea. I am a full time mother of 2, a full time healthcare administration, a full time wife, a full time cleaner, full time cook, a full time laundry attendant, a full time older sister, a full time daughter and more. Does that sound like you? Im glad we are a match. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I am of Jamaican descent, but I love Ghana culture, especially my husband who is from there. My favorite color is turquoise and I am an exclusive breastfeeding mom. Currently, still breastfeeding my 2 year old son (pier diem).
In 2018 I became a mother, I had a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy baby boy. During labor, I had a surprising complication that almost cost me my life. Thank God my care team moved quickly. It took me a year to understand how lucky I was to go home after birth with my baby. I now understand that is not the case for many women who look like me. In 2020, too many black women died during childbirth #KiraJohnson #AmberIssacRose #ShaAsiaWashington. I was deeply saddened. That could have been me.
More needed to be done, so the day after Sha-Asia’s Washington death, I spontaneously shared my birth story on instagram live and the complication I experienced. I was hoping it would bring light to the situation and help mom during labor. From that moment, I decided I will be an advocate. Many women share their pregnancy journey (pics and symptoms), but no one talks about their birth experience, what they liked, loved and hated what doctors did. When I shared my story, a school friend told me the same thing happened to her !
Initially wanted to only talk about breastfeeding, because I have been a successful breastfeeding mama for 3 years, exclusively not to mention. According to statistics black women are less likely to breastfeed and more likely to give up breastfeeding. I come across very few pages to none where there is a black woman who was successful at breastfeeding and/or doing it exclusively. I love black women. We are misunderstood and not supported enough. Therefore, I want to educate, support and advocate for black women. When someone reads my blog I want them to say to themselves “I understand now… I get it…”
Email: hello@asialorea.com
The pillars of the blog are motherhood, health and culture. I share a variety of posts that appeal to the mommy to be. I want moms to be able to make healthy and confident decisions concerning their bodies and babies. I share my personal experiences and shine light on topics that need more attention. I also share how we celebrate black culture in our household.