Lockdown is up, virtual school is over and summer has arrived. I am so excited for this summer, to visit places and hug family. Actually, my family is planning a mini reunion this summer.
We adults know what we need for the summer, but our children don’t. I always want my children to have what they need even when they don’t understand. Here are 5 simple summer essentials for young toddlers.
1. Stainless Steel Cups
I use stainless steel cups throughout the year, because they are better than plastic and more durable. Stainless steel cups keep your summer drink nice and cool throughout the day.
2. Burts Bee Powder
Gone are the days of using talc powder. Burt’s Bee powder is a great alternative to keep your children cool and yourself too !
3. Sunscreen
My favorite sunscreen is the mustela brand. I use the Mustela SPF 50 sunscreen stick. I love its compact size, which makes it on the go friendly, easy to apply and made of 70 % organic ingredients, fragrance free and water resistant. Side note, we use many of the Mustela products in our home.
4. Bug Spray
I have been getting bitten by mosquitos for 20+ years, so I don’t mind a bite or two, but my children have no idea what a mosquito bite feels like and I would like to keep it that way. I use the Babyganic bug spray. It is deet- free which means it’s free of synthetic chemicals. I always try to buy natural based products for myself and children.
5. Hat
My son never let’s me forget his hat before heading out. It keeps the sun off his face, which protects his eye and skin from any sun damage.
6. Sunglasses
I got the kids’ sunglasses from Dollar Tree. I wear sunglasses, so they think it’s cool to be like mommy lol.
Kids Do What They See
One more thing, although they may not full understand what I am putting on their skin or why I buy them stainless steel cups, but I tell them anyway. For example, I’ll say , “Mommy is putting this sunscreen on you to protect your skin from the sun”. And that’s all ! I hope these simple summer essentials were a helpful. These summer essentials can be used every year and on any vacation. Most of all kids just wanna have fun. Do you have any summer plans for your family?
Check out my blog post for Free Things to do in CT this Summer